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What does empathy have to do with recruitment and retention?

    Quite a lot.

    According to the 2020 State of Workplace Empathy Study by Businessolver, among members of Generation Z:

    • 83% would choose an employer with a strong culture of empathy over an employer offering a slightly higher salary

    • 79% would choose an empathetic employer even if it meant changing their role, industry or career path

    • 83% would consider leaving their current organization for a similar role at a more empathetic organization

    Does your DE&I program bypass empathy? It shouldn’t!

    Visit to learn how the SHRM People Manager Qualification (PMQ) can help your People Managers identify where empathy and performance intersect.

    Reposted from LinkedIn: Johnny C. Taylor, Jr., SHRM-SCP

    President & CEO at SHRM (Society for Human Resource Management)